Hips Don’t Lie • W9/D1


Hey, this week looks pretty fun! I see lots of miles, lots of workouts, and lots of ice packs in my near future. Time to get serious! Just a few more weeks left until the big day. I’m getting excited!


Today’s run is brought to you by hip pain.
Hip pain is no fun. It can be caused by many things such as running 11 miles while not strengthening your hip muscles.
Boo, hip pain.

Today was pretty hard to get through and by now you can probably guess why. I told myself mid-run that I’m definitely hitting the hip adductor/abductor machine on Thursday to get my muscles strong again.

I toughed it out and finished the 5 miles, but I had to walk at certain points and I felt bad from veering from the plan. I knew me being out here putting in the effort to finish was better than just going home.

Regardless, I got some good hill work in on the run and I never give up on hills. So there’s that. I’ve got to take my victories where I can find them. Cheers!


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