Change of Plans • W9/D4

Since Wednesday was a rest day, I planned on adding my 5 mile run onto my cross-training at the gym. However I woke up to a phone call from my supervisor at work. Basically I was the only one available to work and they needed me for an afternoon and night shift. Since I woke up in the late morning (night shift is so wonderful) I really didn’t have a lot of time to do both. I figured if I had to choose between running 5 miles and cross-training, I had better not skip two days of running in a row, so I chose to forego the gym.

I set out on my run and noticed that my lack of mental prep and nutrional prep for the day cause me to run slower than normal and make my run last longer. Thus, I only ended up getting 4.25 miles in. Close enough. I’d take that over the guilt of not running at all.

Content with my run, I headed home and got ready for work. I really wish I would have gotten a chance to stench train today, but duty calls. Maybe I’ll be able to add in some during the weekend or early next week. Since I’m working all weekend, I don’t think this is going to be a possibly.

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